Daily: March 24, 2014

It is always inspiring to spotlight someone who has helped out the alopecia community, so today we’re looking at Georgia Van Cuylenburg. We’ve written about Georgia before, but we wanted to talk a little more in depth about Georgia’s story…

In the past, people have been known to try to cure all types of ailments with some pretty strange remedies. Whether it was leech treatment or attempting to drain out an illness through bloodletting, medical treatments have come a long…

As if plastic surgery wasn’t crazy enough, a new craze is hitting the streets of New York, and taking over some of the most prestigious plastic surgery centers in the city. The procedure can cost thousands, with some ranging all…

Like all seasons, this summer has its chosen hair styles. So before the warm weather hits, make sure to choose a ‘do and book some time with your stylist to stay ahead of the fashion curve. 1. The Wet Bob In a…



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