Monthly: August 2016

There are some studies that come out and shock the world with new and original research that tells us something so unbelievable that we have to take a seat lest we fall over. Then there are studies like a new…

Five Hair Trends From Across America

As fashion-conscious and trendy style mavens, we always look at a few places when it comes to bringing you the latest and greatest in hair styles. We see what celebrities are wearing on the red carpet, and at fashion shows…

5 Ways to Wear a Scarf This Fall

Fall is almost upon us. While some people may hate the dwindling daylight and creeping chill, we get excited for all the new accessory options that Fall opens up for us. Our favorite? Scarves! The simple scarf opens up so…

When Apple came out with rose gold as a color for the iPhone, a lot of people who had never really thought of rose gold before started thinking. All of a sudden, it wasn’t just an interesting and unique option…



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