Category: wig tips

Not every extreme disaster is of the natural variety. Extreme hair disasters, for example, are almost entirely man-made. We’ve combed the depths of the internet and asked all of our stylist friends for some of the worst extreme hair disasters…

Winter’s coming fast, and before it hits you should make sure that you know how to keep your wig in great condition. Winter weather can be rough on human hair wigs, so it’s important to take precautions to make sure…

Big, bold wigs have been getting a lot of play in the media recently. From Kylie Jenner’s baby blue strands to Lucy Mecklenburgh donning a fierce platinum wig to Miley Cyrus sporting rainbow colored dreadlocks, wigs are having their moment…

Inspiration is wherever you look, but if there’s one place you can always find a ton of inspiration in one place, it’s the Internet. From Pinterest to Facebook to doing a quick Google image search, there’s no shortage of people…

The Everything Guide to Wigs

A while back, New York Magazine created “The Everything Guide to Wigs” which featured two pages of everything you could ever want to know about hair pieces, wigs, synthetic vs human hair wigs, and much more. They also included Joseph…

Hair extensions have gotten a bad rap over the years. But there’s a reason why so many people – celebs included – opt for extensions every once in a while. We’re past the days when hair extensions were heavy, bulky,…

We spend a lot of time on our blog talking about alopecia and other conditions that cause hair loss. Since we opened, we’ve spent a lot of time working with people with hair loss to bring back a sense of…

Broadway is known for its song and dance numbers. But, one thing most people don’t think about when they think of the big stage is the hand-made wigs that help bring the characters to life. To find out more about…

There’s just enough time to head out on one last trip this summer. Before you begin packing, though, make sure you have everything you’ll need to take proper care of your wig on the road. If you’re not sure what…

Every couple of months, it’s good practice to send your wig to the shop for maintenance. A professional can inspect your wig to see if it’s in need of normal maintenance or repair, which will keep your hairpiece looking great.…



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