Monthly: December 2015

Finding the perfect gift for your loved ones can be difficult. The perfect holiday gift is something that’s useful and functional, but also thoughtful. And while finding that elusive combination of functionality and thoughtfulness isn’t always simple, it doesn’t have…

The upcoming holidays mean lots of travel to visit family and friends, and that’s a great reason to add some chic travel accessories to your closet. From travel caddies to makeup bags, there’s no shortage of luxury travel accessories that…

Color Tips for Becoming a Redhead

Choosing a new hair color is a fun way to ring in the New Year. It’s even more fun when that new hair color is red, because while blondes may have more fun, redheads definitely attract more attention. However, before…

It’s a fact: hair in the winter time requires more work than any other season. Cold weather, snow, wind – all of the elements that contribute to a winter wonderland are also the same factors that make keeping your hair…



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