Monthly: April 2015

Summer is almost here, which means it’s time to prepare for warm weather, beach trips, and lots of sun. There’s a lot to plan for, such as switching out your wardrobe for your summer attire and getting in shape for…

Hearing bad news is never easy, but finding out that you have alopecia can be a particularly complex and confusing situation. On the one hand, alopecia isn’t fatal and doesn’t wreak havoc on the vital systems of your body. However,…

It looks like tech may be outpacing us again. A researcher at Pontifical Catholic University has found a way to jump from wearable technology (like smartwatches) to wearable hair – or hairware. …

Hair extensions have gotten a bad rap over the years. But there’s a reason why so many people – celebs included – opt for extensions every once in a while. We’re past the days when hair extensions were heavy, bulky,…



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