If you’ve been paying attention to fashion trends (and if you read this blog, chances are good that you do), you’ll have probably noticed the “icicle hair” trend. If you haven’t heard of it, we’re happy to explain.
Imagine an icicle, hanging from the rafters of your porch. The sun catches it and sends shimmers of light sparkling up and down its length. That, in a nutshell, is what the icicle hair trend tries to do. Using glitter and reflective coloring, the “icicle” is a streak placed in hair to give it the appearance and shine of frozen water.
Of course, the problem with any weird hair trend is what do you do with it once the novelty is gone and you start getting strange looks at the office. Or what if you get called into an interview? Something that might have seemed like a great idea on the last day of your New Year’s vacation might look a lot less appealing in the middle of a presentation to your boss.
To address these concerns, New York salon RPZL (pronounced Rapunzel…we think) have created a clip-in extension that gives people a chance to have some fun without compromising a professional look. The clips can be put in and taken out quickly and easily, and let people play out all of their Frozen fantasies on weekends with no permanent treatment.
We’re not sure if this hair trend is here to stay, or if it’s another flash-in-the-pan gimmick like last month’s gold leaf hair, but if all that’s at stake is a $25 clip-in extension, we don’t see the harm. So what do you think: are you going to try out rocking icicle hair? Do you think it looks good, or tacky?