Whenever we think of alopecia awareness, it’s always in the context of organizations and not-for-profits working hard to bring more light to alopecia and the people who live with it. It’s rare, though, to hear about art focused on alopecia, but that’s exactly what Daniel Regan has done.
Daniel Regan is a 28 year old UK-based photographer who has created a photography project spotlighting people with alopecia. The project was just featured at the World Congress for Hair Science in Edinburgh, where Regan hoped to bring a human element to a condition that can have a devastating effect on a person’s self-esteem and body image.
Even though it affects a relatively small subset of the population, there’s still a surprising lack of information regarding alopecia, and an ever larger lack of resources designed to help people with the disease connect with others and share their stories. In a small way, this is a great start to that. By documenting individual cases of alopecia, it gives other people who are affected by hair loss a chance to see that there are others who understand the challenges and issues that they face on a daily basis.
This is a great start to generating more awareness of alopecia and the people who live with this condition, and hopefully we’ll start to see more people come forward to share their stories of how alopecia has changed their lives and how they deal with the psychological effects of the disease.
Have you heard of any great movements that support alopecia? Let us know in the comments!