When most people think of pattern baldness, they think of male pattern baldness. But female pattern baldness is a real thing that affects many women worldwide. Female pattern baldness is similar to male pattern baldness, and while it’s not known exactly what causes it, there are a few things that have something to do with it, such as changes in the amount of male hormones (androgens) their body has; aging; and even genetics.
Female pattern baldness is the result of hairs falling out of the head, but not growing back. On average, the human head sheds 100-135 hairs per day. Normally they are replaced by new hair growth, but with female pattern baldness, these individual hairs don’t grow back resulting in thinning hair and patchy areas of hair loss.
What are the symptoms of female pattern baldness?
Symptoms of female pattern baldness can vary, but they usually include:
- – Hair that thins primarily at the crown and top of head
- – A widening hair pair on the top of the head
– An in-tact hairline, even if the hair behind it is receding
While there are no serious medical conditions that result from female pattern baldness, it can have emotional and psychological effects on women that experience it. Often, women report feelings of depression, anxiety, and decreased self-esteem. If you have feelings of depression, it’s important to see your doctor.
Is there treatment?
While it’s still not fully understood why female pattern baldness happens, there are some medications that can help slow down or stop hair thinning and hair loss. These options should be discussed with a physician. Other treatments include hair transplants or having a human hair wig created, which can help you feel more confident.