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Beauty regimens and selfies would seem to go hand in hand, but one company is taking it to a new extreme. The Selfie Brush is a hair brush that comes equipped with a space on the opposite side of the brush where you can lock your iPhone into place, making it that much easier to snap a selfie after touching up your hairdo. It even has a small, vertical mirror running up the side to help touch up your makeup.

The Selfie Brush retails for $20, and if you’re a hardcore selfie poster, it seems like a pretty good deal. But, this left us wondering what other types of weird hair brushes were out there. So, we looked and this is what we found.


Lucky Trendy Bomb Curl Brush

A round brush that promises to give your hair lift, the bomb curl brush looks more like a maraca than a hair care accessory. It features an inner circular portion surrounded by an outer sphere – both of which are covered in thick bristles. It’s claims to help avoid tangles and help curl your hair while you brush.


Tangle Teaser

This is basically a brush without a handle, and promises to quickly and painlessly remove tangles. They’re carried in quite a few stores (including Sephora), which gives them a little more legitimacy than the rest.


Lady Elegance Hair Colouring Brush

The Lady Elegance Hair Colouring Brush is for the adventure seeking hair care lovers. This brush features an opening where you can pour your favorite instant hair color inside and then brush the color through your hair.



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