Category: hair tips

There’s just enough time to head out on one last trip this summer. Before you begin packing, though, make sure you have everything you’ll need to take proper care of your wig on the road. If you’re not sure what…

Every couple of months, it’s good practice to send your wig to the shop for maintenance. A professional can inspect your wig to see if it’s in need of normal maintenance or repair, which will keep your hairpiece looking great.…

Unusual Hair Trends From the Fringe

Unusual trends pop up in all kinds of places, so it’s no surprise that there’s some pretty strange trends when it comes to hairstyles, hair colors, and hair treatments. Here are a few of our favorite unusual hair trends over…

The summer months can be rough on wigs – especially human hair ones, which can be heavier since they’re made with real strands of human hair. Also, since most human hair wigs require a full lace cap underneath, hot and…

It’s the dead of summer, and that can only mean one thing: we’re right in the midst of wedding season. Whether you’re attending a ceremony, acting as a bridesmaid, or the lucky bride herself, here are four must-have wedding hair…

Looking career-ready isn’t just about dressing well and looking put together. It’s also about having the right hairstyle that looks both professional and updated. For the best work appropriate hairstyles this summer, try stealing some of these looks below.…

3 Ways to Make Your Hair Look Younger

We’re always hearing tips of how to keep your skin or your physique looking younger, but according to a new story from the Huffington Post, there are steps you can take to keep your hair healthy and looking younger too.…

Years ago, it was believed that in order to have beautiful, healthy hair, one needed to brush their hair hundreds of times each day. That’s not too far off from the truth, since brushing hair moves oils from the scalp…

Just like exercising and eating healthy to take care of your body, hair requires a little attention in order to stay healthy and strong. From medications that can change the coarseness of hair to a diet that has all of…

Aging does a lot to our bodies, but do you know what effects it has on your hair? As we age, our hair goes through a number of changes that affect not only the color, but also the texture. Here…



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