Category: hair tips

From the runway to the mainstream, more and more men and women are choosing to dye their hair wild, bold colors that make a statement. Whether it’s just for a change of pace, a departure from your normal style, or…

Vacation planning doesn’t just include making reservations, booking plane tickets, and packing up your bags. Depending on where you’re headed, it can also mean meticulously planning out outfits, accessories, and even hairdos. …

Summer is almost here, which means it’s time to prepare for warm weather, beach trips, and lots of sun. There’s a lot to plan for, such as switching out your wardrobe for your summer attire and getting in shape for…

Hair perfume sounds like one of those products designed and marketed solely for the purpose of selling something. If you wash your hair regularly, chances are your shampoo has some scent or fragrance, and keeps your hair smelling nice. …

3 Hair Color Trends for Winter

Every season has its signature color. Light hues dominate Summer and Spring, while richer and warmer tones are played up in the Fall and Winter. This winter, however, the focus is on golds. Golden highlights and golden hues that make…

Taking care of your hair in the winter requires a little more time and attention than it does in other months. Instead of resigning yourself to having dry and brittle hair, try these four easy steps and keep your locks…

4 Strange Uses for Human Hair

Human hair has a lot of uses, and while most people are familiar with the most obvious one – to make beautiful human hair wigs – very few people know of the other uses that human hair has. From the…

A professional blowout can be pricey – especially if you get it done every few days. And while it’s always nice to feel pampered at the salon now and again, if you have an extra 30 minutes in the morning,…

People find all manner of ways to showcase their personality – from flaunting personal fashion to hair color, there’s a million and one ways to show individuality. Another way to do that is by donning crazy hairdos, like these people.…

How to Choose a Hair Color: 3 Tips

Choosing the right hair color takes more than just going to the color aisle in your local hair care shop, closing your eyes, and pointing blindly at the shelves. The wrong hair color can make your skin look washed out…



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