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Can You Dye a Natural Hair Wig?

One of the questions people often ask about 100% human-hair wigs is what styling options they have. Specifically, they often want to know if they can dye their wig. Many of our own clients have purchased a wig and years later decided they wanted a different shade.

The good news is that the short answer is yes. You can, in fact, dye human hair wigs just like you can regular hair. The longer answer is, yes, but with some stipulations and warnings.

Natural human hair wigs respond to a lot of the same treatments and styling techniques that normal human hair responds to. This is one of the biggest advantages of opting for a human hair wig instead of a synthetic wig. For example, a curling iron (set to low heat) can produce completely natural-looking curls in a human-hair wig. A synthetic wig, on the other hand, would likely friz, burn, or otherwise disfigure with this treatment. Likewise, blow-drying, hair straightening, and dying also work just as they would on your own natural hair. Try doing that with a synthetic wig.

There are some stipulations and limitations, though. Just as with your natural hair, the hair in human hair wigs can be damaged by certain styling procedures and treatments. Unlike your natural hair, the hair in a human hair wig can’t grow back. This can potentially cause problems for people that want to treat or style their hair differently often. Since the hair doesn’t grow back, any damage you do to it is permanent, and adds up. For this reason, we generally recommend that if you do want to dye your human hair wig, you take it to a professional who has experience doing so. You should also try to limit the number of times you dye your human hair wig over the course of its lifetime.

The other major warning when dyeing your human hair wig is the problem of not being satisfied with the hair color you choose. Since the new hair color won’t grow out, you will have to re-dye it if you want it to get back to the original color, risking further damage.

The Right Fit: How We Get the Proper Measurements for a Phone Order Wig

While we prefer to measure all of our customers for wigs at our studio in Manhattan, sometimes that’s just not doable. In these circumstances, we have a rigorous process to make sure that your wig fits as perfectly as it would have if you had come into our studio for a custom measurement session.

Taking proper measurements for a phone order wig isn’t impossible, but it does take a little bit of time and focus to make sure that you get the right numbers. Here’s our five step process for getting those proper, perfect measurements.

What you’ll need:

  • – Saran wrap
  • – Scotch tape
  • – Grease pencil
  • – Scissors


1. Place Saran wrap over the head and pull tight. Make sure the surface is flat and free of wrinkles and twist the sides to form a tight fit. Make sure to continue holding (or have someone hold) the two twisted sides to keep the saran wrap in place.

2. Take strips of transparent scotch tape and place them horizontally over the bald area, stretching slightly beyond the bald areas.

3. Use the grease pencil to mark a dot at the center of the front hairline. This should be about four fingers from the eyebrows. Then, mark dots at the temples where the bald area begins, as well as the back edge of the bald area. When this is done, connect the four dots to mark which area will be covered. Mark the front area with an “F” and the back area with a “B”.

If you want a part or a crown, indicate that by drawing a line depicting the length and positioning for the part. For a crown, draw a small circle and use small arrows to show the desired direction of the hair. Finally, label the pattern with your name and choose a wig style.

4. Remove the saran wrap from your head and use scissors to cut out the pattern, getting rid of the excess areas.

5. Take the entire pattern, along with the completely filled out hairpiece information sheet and a sample of hair (hair should be freshly shampooed and free of sprays and oils, which can change the color).





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