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Every holiday season, friends and family share food, laughs, and ultimately gifts. This year, make your holiday gift giving go even further by donating time or money to these worthy causes. Even better, a charitable donation not only helps these organizations, but also help lower your tax burden for the year.

Here are the three best nonprofits that deserve your support this season.

  1. Angel Hair Foundation– The Angel Hair Foundation is an organization that works exclusively with children and teens that have lost their hair due to medical reasons. They give hair systems to kids with the goal of making them feel normal again. You can donate monthly in installments of $10, $20, or $50 to help sponsor a child.

  1. Pantene Beautiful Lengths– The Pantene Beautiful Lengths campaign supports women who have experienced hair loss due to cancer. You can donate hair – or even better, get a few friends together and host a small fundraising event.

  1. Empowering Through Beauty This organization helps low-income and deserving women prepare for the workforce by giving them new wardrobes, haircuts, and other beauty treatments along with mentoring to help them succeed.

Do you have any go-to charities or nonprofits that you like to support during the holidays? Which ones? Let us know in the comments!



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