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Facial hair is all the rage, and if people aren’t talking about ways to transplant it onto their faces, they’re talking about the minute details of a period flick’s facial hair trends. So, we figured if we spent time talking about what women’s hair trends would be this summer, we should also focus on what types of men’s beard styles would be the perfect to flaunt next season.

1. Balbo


The balbo is the perfect choice for young professionals who want to look hip and edgy. It basically consists of three parts: an unattached mustache, a soul patch, and a short beard. The balbo needs a lot of attention and upkeep so that it doesn’t get unruly, so if you’re looking for something that’s easy to maintain, you’ll probably want to skip to the next one.

2. Short Boxed Beard

There have been a few studies that revealed that beards tend to signify maturity. However, beards that are too long or too unwieldy can give off the opposite impression. For a beard that’s clean cut and professional, try the short boxed beard. This is another one that will require a good amount of upkeep and a weekly visit to your local barber.


3. Heavy Stubble


For a low-maintenance, but polished look, the heavy stubble is the way to go. It’s long been the choice of creative types, but with many offices allowing business casual dress, this facial hair trend can be pulled off in the corporate world too. Just make sure to keep it short and trim.




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