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There are some great hair accessories out there that can turn a simple style into something elegant and glamorous. Likewise, there are hair accessories that should have never seen the light of day. And unfortunately, some of them are still circulating around, being sold on late-night infomercials, and turning decent hair into terrible tragedies. Here’s four of the worst hair accessories that you should banish from your closet.

1. Banana Clips


There were a few unfortunate things to come out of the 80s: hair bands, perms, and one of the worst offenders (in our opinion), banana clips. Banana clips, for those that are too young to remember, were oblong banana-shaped plastic hair clips that had comb-like teeth in the middle to hold hair together. It would hold hair back away from the face and sides, and create a horse-like mane on the top center of the wearer’s head. Thankfully the 80s are over, but a few of these clips still float around and are still sold in some hair care and accessory stores.

2. Bumpit


A more recent offender is the Bumpit – possibly the worst thing to ever happen in the early 2000s. The bumpit was a tool that tucked under the hair on top of your head to create almost a pompadour. It was popularized by Snookie from the cast of the Jersey Shore, and luckily exited closets almost as quickly as it showed up in them.

3. Faux Hair Ponytail Holder


In the mid-to-late 90’s, it became fashionable to use ponytails with faux hair on them to add dimension to a hairstyle. Think of them as circular hair extensions. Unfortunately, these accessories sold for only a few dollars, so they weren’t the best quality and had the unintended consequence of making everyone that wore them look like they had a tangled mess in their hair.

4. Plastic Claw Clip


The plastic claw clip got it’s start in hair salons where it served an important function: holding hair back and out of the way during haircuts or blow drying. Somehow this functional hair tool moved into the mainstream and became a regular accessory for both day and evening. They even started producing claw clips in patterns and animal print, taking an already bad trend and making it worse.




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