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Aside from new beauty and makeup products, the beauty industry hasn’t changed significantly over the last few decades. Technology, however, has touched almost every aspect of our life and now it’s got its eye on the beauty industry. Here are four beauty apps that will make your life a whole lot easier.

1. June Bracelet

Made by a company called Netatmo, the June Bracelet is a trendy bracelet that lets you know if you’ve been in the sun for too long. It measures your sun exposure throughout the day and offers advice for keeping your skin healthy through the accompanying phone app.

2. Opi Nail Studio App

Ever wondered what that nail polish you were eying in the drug store would look like on your nails? The Opi Nail Studio app takes care of that by allowing you to match up your skin tone to a pair of digital hands in their app. Then, easily switch out different nail polish shades to find one that’s perfect for you.

3. Makeup Genius

Similar to the Opi Nail Studio app, Makeup Genius uses technology to capture your reflection and let you apply makeup to your “digital” face. What’s even cooler is that the makeup stays in place on the screen if you make facial expressions, so you can really see what it will look like from all angles.

4. Haircaster App

If you’ve used the weather channel to decide how to style your hair for the day, you’re not alone. The Haircaster app analyzes actual weather conditions like humidity, temperature, wind, and rain, and helps you figure out how it will affect your hair, ensuring that your hair looks like a million bucks – whatever the weather.



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