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The summer months can be rough on wigs – especially human hair ones, which can be heavier since they’re made with real strands of human hair. Also, since most human hair wigs require a full lace cap underneath, hot and humid weather can make wearing your wig a lot less appealing.

Here are three ways to stay cool and keep your wig in top shape this summer.


1. Consider a New Cut or Style

A seemingly small change, like getting a new cut or style for your wig, can help make your human hair wig more breathable and wearable during the summer months. Try a shorter hairdo or layers to lighten things up. Something as simple as switching up your hairstyle can make wearing a wig in the summer feel better. Try pulling your hair up into a ponytail or using pins to secure hair up and away from your neck.

2. Wear a Gel Band

A gel band is a small elastic band made of gel that fits around the hairline. Originally designed to make wigs fit snugger, gel bands can also help you stay cool in the hot months by allowing sweat to evaporate off your scalp.

3. Change Your Cap

A cap that’s lightweight and can help wick away moisture will help you feel cooler and more comfortable when you’re out in the sun and heat. A different cap can also allow for more airflow and make your wig more breathable.

How do you stay cool in the summer with your wig? Let us know in the comments!



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