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From the runway to the mainstream, more and more men and women are choosing to dye their hair wild, bold colors that make a statement. Whether it’s just for a change of pace, a departure from your normal style, or a way to garner attention, there are plenty of reasons to make the leap and dye your hair an eye-popping shade of color. Here are three reasons to go for it.

1. It Draws Attention

If you’re looking for something to get you noticed, a pastel or primary color hair dye is a good way to get it. Nothing will turn heads like an extreme hair color, and you’ll probably be surprised that most people will love it. Plus, it’s a total confidence booster.

2. It’s in Vogue

From Katy Perry to Kylie Jenner, bold color is in these days. Over the last 6 to 12 months, there have been a rash of celebrities donning everything from lavender locks to bright blue hues. If ever there was a time to jump on the bold hair color bandwagon, it would be now.

3. It’s Only Temporary

Unlike tattoos or making the jump to a drastic new haircut, hair dye (especially if you get temporary color), is just that – temporary. It will wash out in a few weeks or months, so it’s a great way to try a drastic new look without having to worry about the permanency of it.



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