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The holiday season is upon us, and that means invites to holiday parties, family dinners, and other holiday festivities. While that usually calls for a festive wardrobe, it also means you need to find new ways to dress up your holiday attire. So, when you get your next holiday party invite, try these three holiday hair trends to continue on with the holiday spirit.

1. Go Green

For a truly festive holiday hair look, try topping your updo with a sprig of holly or a poinsettia flower to bring a touch of holiday spirit to your look. It’s simple and elegant, and will perfectly complement a casual holiday look.

2. Simple Ribbons

For a youthful and understated look, use a bright red or bright ribbon to create a casual bow at the end of a braid or ponytail. It’s a grownup version of hair bows, and adds a fun and flirty vibe to your holiday outfit. Be sure, however, to choose a ribbon that’s thin, as that will look more elegant.

3. Glittery and Golden Hair Ties

Another simple solution for holiday hair is to trade in your boring black hair ties for glittery and gold hair ties. Opt for thick, metallic colored hair ties to transform a simple ponytail or bun into a more dramatic holiday look.


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