Daily: January 28, 2015

The Golden Globes just aired and just as important as it is to recap the wins, it’s just as important to recap the fashions and hairstyles that celebrity attendees donned for the evening. Here are four of our favorite hairstyles…

Using Hair for Art

Artists use all different types of mediums to evoke emotion and feeling, but the one material that might just be the strangest is using human hair. And yet, these three artists have managed to create beautiful, interesting, and thought-provoking art…

3 Hair Color Trends for Winter

Every season has its signature color. Light hues dominate Summer and Spring, while richer and warmer tones are played up in the Fall and Winter. This winter, however, the focus is on golds. Golden highlights and golden hues that make…

How to Tie a Head Scarf Like a Pro

The beautiful, vintage silk scarves that were a staple of fashion in the 1950s have been making a strong comeback. In fact, both men and women’s semi-formal staples like bowties, pocket squares, vests, and scarves are finding a new place…



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