Daily: November 19, 2014

4 Strange Uses for Human Hair

Human hair has a lot of uses, and while most people are familiar with the most obvious one – to make beautiful human hair wigs – very few people know of the other uses that human hair has. From the…

A professional blowout can be pricey – especially if you get it done every few days. And while it’s always nice to feel pampered at the salon now and again, if you have an extra 30 minutes in the morning,…

People find all manner of ways to showcase their personality – from flaunting personal fashion to hair color, there’s a million and one ways to show individuality. Another way to do that is by donning crazy hairdos, like these people.…

It’s getting colder outside, and that means that it’s time to break out the winter accessories. This year, don’t opt for a simple wool hat or scarf – try out these cool winter accessories that incorporate useful technology into staying…



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