Daily: May 13, 2014

Years ago, it was believed that in order to have beautiful, healthy hair, one needed to brush their hair hundreds of times each day. That’s not too far off from the truth, since brushing hair moves oils from the scalp…

Just like exercising and eating healthy to take care of your body, hair requires a little attention in order to stay healthy and strong. From medications that can change the coarseness of hair to a diet that has all of…

Aging does a lot to our bodies, but do you know what effects it has on your hair? As we age, our hair goes through a number of changes that affect not only the color, but also the texture. Here…

According to a recent study conducted by the Stanford Graduate School of Business, it is. The study looked into the way our perceived attractiveness affects our mood, and how we view others. More specifically, it looked into how our attitudes…



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