Monthly: April 2014

While most people think of hair loss, especially alopecia areata, as a disorder that strikes as you get older. Unfortunately, children are not immune to hair loss. In fact, hair loss can be significantly more difficult to deal with for…

The economy is recovering slowly, unemployment is going down, and things are starting to look up. Still, it never hurts to make a few extra bucks, right? One option that is rarely considered is selling your hair to a wigmaker.…

Unlike many other types of alopecia, traction alopecia is caused by very external factors that result in hair loss – usually from force to the hair. This is often seen in celebrities who are constantly undergoing hair treatment and maintenance, which can damage the hair follicles and provide undue stress on the scalp. It can also be caused by wearing hats or helmets that fit tightly to the scalp. The good news about traction alopecia though, is that with better care, the hair loss effects of this condition can be reversed if you catch it in its early stages, before too much permanent damage has been done to the hair follicle. 1. Wear your hair down. Forgo keeping your hair in tight ponytails, braids, or dreadlocks as this can put stress on the roots of your hair. 2. Put a hold on any type of chemical hair treatment. Hair dye and chemically straightening…

Summer can bring along an intense heat wave – especially on the streets of New York. One way to battle the heat and stay comfortable during the summer is to switch to a summer-friendly haircut that’s light and airy. Here’s some…

There’s a new hairstyle in town, and it’s sure to be the hit of the summer. Historically, an Asian hair trend that’s made it’s way across the Pacific, the top knot has taken both coasts by storm with its classic…

What is Alopecia? 4 Telltale Signs

Alopecia is simply a loss of hair – whether that be on the head or on the body. Alopecia can be caused by a number of different factors (illness, reactions to medication, hereditary, hormonal changes), and there are a number…

Beginning the process of purchasing a wig for the first time can be a daunting experience, especially when you don’t know what to expect. To make things easier, there’s four questions that you should always ask to get the process…

3 Future Trends of Hair Salons

Hair salons and barber shops have long been neighborhood traditions with a very established way of operating. In fact, sometimes they’re seen as a cornerstone of a neighborhood – where people congregate with their neighbors and catch up on local…

Pinterest has hit the Internet hard over the last year. With people curating boards for everything from wedding inspiration to home design ideas and trends, there’s a Pinterest board for everything. We took a look at some of the most…

What is a Hair Shaft Defect?

Hair loss in children is a somewhat common occurrence that can happen because of many different reasons. Today, we’re going to talk about one of the precursors to hair loss, called hair shaft defects. A hair shaft defect are often noticed early in life and look like abnormal hair growth and generally will only affect specific areas (like the nape of the neck) instead of the entire head. Rather than just being genetic, a hair shaft defect can also be acquired by external factors such as overprocessing hair and overuse of hair products and styling. When these types of physical hair defects occur, they’re often a precursor to hair loss. Is there a way to treat a hair shaft defect? Hair shaft defects caused by external factors like over styling can be helped by adopting a hair routine that doesn’t put so much stress on the hair follicles and the scalp. Specifically: – Stop…



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