Our Blog

With summer on the horizon, it’s a good time to switch up that hair color. There are a couple of important reasons why the beginning of summer is such a pivotal time to alter hair color, if you like it…

It’s almost time to start planning that summer vacay for a week (or two or three) of fun, sun, and relaxation. With that itinerary planning comes planning your wardrobe and your hairstyles, because the same hairdo that works for sipping…

Our Favorite Hairstyles from Coachella

Coachella officially kicked off a few weeks ago in Indio, California. If there’s one can’t-miss music festival of the year, it’s Coachella, and this year was just as full of great music as it was in the past. One of the best parts of…

It’s almost summer and that means beach season is upon us. You can’t hit the ocean without having the right accessories though, and this year there is some to-die-for beach gear that everyone should grab before they hit the sand.…

Headbands are a great way to jazz up an otherwise plain hair ‘do. They work with long hair, short hair, up ‘dos and pretty much everything in between. So the next time you grab a headband to spice up your…

You always read about how damaging the sun and its UV rays are for your skin, but what you don’t hear about nearly as much is just how damaging the sun’s rays can be for your hair. It’s true -…

How to Jump on the Denim Hair Trend

There’s been no shortage of hair color trends over the last year, from the “gray granny” look to fire engine red locks. But now, there’s a look that encompasses a whole range of color hues in an attempt to put…

3 Weird Feats of Hair Strength

It’s probably not surprising to most people that hair is actually quite strong. A single strand can hold up to 100 grams of weight, which is about .2 pounds. Take into account that a single person can have up to…

You might not have noticed this (unless you’re a TV and/or hair junkie like us), but every woman on every TV show ever has the same exact haircut. OK, we’re exaggerating a little bit, but it’s common enough that it’s…

Is Your Hair Salon Killing You?

Normally when you go to get your hair cut, the worst thing that can happen is a bad dye job or a terrible ‘do. One woman, 48 year old Elizabeth Smith, found out the hard way that that could be…



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